Sunny · 34°
Restrooms and fish cleaning station are closed for the winter. Campgrounds remain open (electricity on, dump station available) year round.
Camping at Diamond Lake Park is permitted all year. Campers are only allowed to stay two weeks and then need to vacate the park for 48 hours before coming back.
Electricity will remain on year-round in the Diamond Lake Campgrounds. The Facilities will be opened and closed and water turned on and off when the weather dictates.
The Conservation Board has a self-registration system. You must register at one of the three booths and deposit your camping fee there.
- Camping is on a first come – first serve basis (no reservations are taken)
- Primitive Camping $10.00 per night
- Camping w/Electricity $20.00 per night
- 14-day stay limit is enforced on all campsites