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Rules and Regulations

The Poweshiek County Conservation Board welcomes you t Diamond Lake Park and invites you to utilize all of our community conversation areas.  Your suggestions and comments are greatly appreciated.

In order that we may continue to provide you with a rewarding outdoor recreational experience we ask that you adhere to the following rules:

  1. Each camper or tent must be registered before setting up the campsite.  The camper or tent may be left unattended for more than 24 hours if the camper or tent is registered for the nights in which the owner is absent.
  2. Camping is permitted only in designated areas and a two week time limit is set.
  3. Fires are permitted in fire rings only.  ABSOLUTELY DO NOT move the fire rings.
  4. Fire wood can be collected in the park.  the tree or branches must be dead and lying on the ground and only hand saws can be used.
  5. All garbage must be placed in the trash can or taken home with you.  Do not litter or transport trash into the park for dumping.
  6. Pets must be kept on a leash and any pet waste must be cleaned up by the owner.
  7. Fishing with minnows is prohibited.
  8. Bass and walleye length limit is 15 inches.  Bass and walleye less than 15 inches must be released under water immediately with as little injury as possible.
  9. Boats are restricted to electric trolling motors only.
  10. Swimming is prohibited.
  11. Use of ATV’s and golf carts is prohibited in any county conservation area, including roads and trails.

We also wish to remind park users not to remove, destroy or injure trees, shrubs, plants, flowers or any other natural attractions so that Diamond Lake may remain a sanctuary for your outdoor enjoyment.  “Leave nothing but footsteps and take nothing but pictures and memories.”

Poweshiek County Conservation Board
Rules and Regulations
Governing Public Use of Poweshiek County Conservation Board Areas

I. General Scope:

By the authority granted to the Poweshiek County Conservation Board by the laws of the State of Iowa Chapter 350.5 of the Code of Iowa (2003), the following rules and regulations are deemed by said Board to be necessary for the protection, regulation, and control of all areas under the jurisdiction and management of said Board. The rules and regulations governing the use of park and wildlife areas are intended to protect the visitor and the area itself from abuse and misuse. In addition to the rules and regulations adopted by the Poweshiek County Conservation Board, all state laws apply to conduct in county areas. Chapters 461A.35 through 461A.57 of the Code of Iowa Public Lands and Waters, apply to county park and wildlife areas unless modified by the Conservation Board. The traffic laws of the State of Iowa apply to county parks and wildlife area roads in the same manner as they apply to state roadways. Other chapters of the Code of Iowa concerning destruction of public property apply in all county park and wildlife areas.

II. Poweshiek County Conservation Board

By the authority granted to the Poweshiek County Conservation Board through Chapter 350.5 of the Code of Iowa, the following rules and regulations are hereby adopted by said Board.


The following terms, as used in these regulations, shall, for the purpose of these regulations, have the meanings assigned hereto, unless a different meaning is clearly indicated.

  1. “Board” shall mean the Poweshiek County Conservation Board.
  2. “Director” shall mean the Executive Director of the Poweshiek County Conservation Board.
  3. “Area” means all or any part of the land and/or water owned, leased, managed, or by other means under control of the Board.  “Parks” are multi-use recreational areas that are closed to hunting.  “Wildlife Areas” are areas that are open to hunting, but are closed to camping.  “Preserves” are areas closed to hunting, camping, and mushroom and nut collecting.
  4. “Authorized Representative” shall include Park Rangers, Naturalists, and other persons designated by the Director.
  5. “Special Use Permit” shall mean any use permit issued by the Director pursuant to authority delegated by the Board.
  6. “Camp” or “Camping” shall mean any use of a shelter such as a tent, trailer, or motor vehicle specifically designated for such use as temporary residence at a campground.
  7. “Camping Area” or “Campground” shall mean any area designated by the Board for camping.
  8. ”Camping Day” shall mean a period or any portion of a period from 3:00 p.m. of one day to the established check-out time for the following day at 5:00 p.m..
  9. “Camping Unit” means either a single tent, pickup camper, motor home or converted bus, recreation trailer, or motor vehicle specifically designed for camping use.
  10. “Commercial Activity” shall mean any activity carried out by a private party or organization for the purpose of economic gain or profit.
  11. “Group Campground” shall mean any campground designated by the Board which allows more than one camping unit per site.
  12. Family” Shall mean one set of parents and their minor dependent children.
  13. “Youth Group” shall mean a group consisting of minor members of an established chartered organization with by-laws and under the leadership of at least one adult for each eight minors in the group.
  14. “Capacity” shall mean the maximum number of people or units that the Board shall determine may occupy any given area.
  15. “Official Signs” shall mean signs provided for in the Iowa D.O.T. “Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Iowa Streets and Highways” and other signs designated and erected by the Board or an authorized representative.
  16. “Noise” shall mean any loud, confused or senseless shouting or outcry, a sound lacking in agreeable musical quality or which is noticeably unpleasant or disturbs the peace.
  17. “Metal detector” means a portable electronic device carried by an individual used only for detecting metal above or below the surface of the ground.
  18. “Political Activity” shall mean any activity if its purpose is support of a candidate or political cause whether partisan or non-partisan.
  19. “Special Event” shall mean any activity which will attract a large number of participants and/or spectators or other activity which the area is not designed to accommodate or could potentially impact other park users.


The provisions of these rules and regulations apply to all lands and waters owned or managed by the Poweshiek County Conservation Board.


The Board may establish fees or deposits for the use of facilities, privileges and conveniences within all areas under the Boards’ management or jurisdiction. All camping fees, shelter fees and other special use permits or deposits shall be paid in full, by the responsible party, prior to the use of the area.


  1. It shall be lawful to collect the fruit of all nut and berry producing plants for home use provided the collector does not damage the parent plant.
  2. Mushrooms may be collected for home use.
  3. Collection of nuts, fruits or mushrooms for any commercial purpose is prohibited.
  4. No collecting of nuts, fruits or mushrooms shall be allowed at Fleming Woods State Preserve.


The use by the public of firearms, fireworks, explosives, and weapons of all kinds is prohibited in all county parks and preserves. Firearms and weapons are allowed on county wildlife areas as allowed by the Code of Iowa and the Iowa DNR.  The use by the public of fireworks and explosives on county wildlife areas is prohibited. However, any person may use a bow and arrow with attached bow fishing reel and ninety-pound minimum line attached to the arrow to take rough fish under rules and regulations prescribed by the Iowa DNR.


  1. Restrictions – It is unlawful to hunt, pursue, or in any manner molest any birds or wild animals or to use or carry firearms, fireworks, explosives, and weapons of any kind, except as otherwise provided by law, in or on any area not designated as a hunting area by the Board. All county conservation wildlife areas are open to hunting.
  2. Target Shooting –It shall be unlawful to target shoot on any property owned or managed by the Board, except those areas which may be designated by the Board as target shooting areas or during Board sponsored educational programs.


It is lawful to permit dogs to run at large for the purpose of training or exercising them in or on any area designated as a wildlife area by the Board, and parts of other areas so designated by the Board. Animals must be accompanied by the trainer or owner. Training or exercising is not permitted between March 15th and July 15th (nesting season) unless a special use permit is issued by the Director.


It shall be unlawful to trap or attempt to trap any wild animal in or on any area not designated as a wildlife area by the Board, except when authorized by the Director or another authorized representative for the protection of the park and/or facilities.


  1. Violation of any state law or any county park rule or regulation by any member of a camping party is cause for revocation of camping privileges, and the entire camping party shall be required to leave the area.
  2. Campsites cannot be reserved. Campers must have the camping unit or vehicle that will occupy the site on the campsite before registering. Campers must register as soon as possible after setting up camp, and the registration camping receipt must be posted in the camper or tent window visible from the road. Non-registered camping units are subject to impoundment and/or disposal.
  3. No camping unit or camping party shall occupy any camp area for more than fourteen (14) days.  After fourteen days the camping party must vacate the park for 48 hours.
  4. Tents must move to a different campsite after 7 days. (Units may be asked to move depending on weather and turf conditions.)
  5. Campers are allowed only one rug per site and shall not exceed 18 square feet in size.
  6. Each camping party or camping unit must pay appropriate camping fees to occupy a campsite. An additional tent may be used for the dependent children (of the camping party) under sixteen years of age.
  7. All motor vehicles must park in designated parking areas. No Parking on Roadways.
  8. All campers shall maintain quiet and remain in their respective campgrounds between the hours of 10:30 p.m. and 6:00 a.m.(except when engaged in legal bank fishing or with Ranger permission.)
  9. No refunds will be issued without Ranger authorization.
  10. Camping units shall be set up and registered by 10:00 p.m. 
  11. No dishwashing will be allowed at drinking fountains, hydrants, or in restrooms.
  12. Beer and Wine in a keg or any other container larger than one gallon shall not be allowed in campgrounds or in parking areas or immediately adjacent to those areas.
  13. No ropes, cables, chains or lines can be affixed to trees.
  14. No pets shall be left unattended and must be on a leash or confined at all times in the campgrounds.
  15. All non-registered visitors must be out of the park by 10:30 p.m.
  16. No wading, swimming pools, or water features are allowed in the campground.
  17. Fires and Firewood. Firewood can be collected in the park.  The tree or branches must be dead and on the ground, and only hand saws can be used.
  18. Campfires are only permitted in grills or fire rings provided, and cannot be moved.
  19. Must be 18 years of age or older to register. (Photo ID required) Parental consent required for minors camping without a parent or guardian
  20. Equestrian camping is not permitted.
  21. The maximum speed limit of all vehicles on county park drives, roads and highways shall be Twenty miles per hour. All driving shall be confined to designated roadways.


  1. NOISE PRODUCING DEVICES. It is unlawful to operate or use any radio, stereo, television, musical instrument, electrical generating plant, power or chain saw, or any similar equipment in or on any area in such a manner as to create excessive noise and/or disturb other persons.
  2. PETS. It shall be unlawful to have in possession any animal which causes a disturbance or displays aggressive or threatening behavior.


It shall be unlawful to allow pets to discharge feces in public use area except areas open to hunting. All feces shall be removed and disposed of in a legal and sanitary manner.


It is unlawful for any person to occupy any portion of any area for repairing vehicles, advertising, political campaigning, hawking, soliciting, peddling or any other commercial activity or any other purpose not primarily recreational, except acting under a special use permit from the Board.


It shall be unlawful to operate any all-terrain vehicle or any other land conveyance propelled by a gasoline or electrical engine and run on wheels, even if it is “street legal” on county conservation areas.  Snowmobiles are allowed in parks, and are allowed on wildlife areas after January 10, when the majority of hunting seasons close.


It shall be unlawful to leave any motor vehicle unattended on any area for more than twenty-four hours, and the vehicle may be removed and stored at the expense of the owner.


Any person who drives a vehicle within the boundaries of any park or preserve under the jurisdiction of the Poweshiek County Conservation Board in such a manner that creates or causes unnecessary engine noise or tire squeal or muffler noise or who shall skid or slide upon acceleration or stopping, or who simulates a temporary race, or who cause the vehicle to unnecessarily turn away abruptly or sway, or performs a wheelie on a motorcycle, shall be guilty of exhibition driving.


It is unlawful to swim or wade in or on any lake, pond or any impounded waters managed by the Poweshiek County Conservation Board.


  1. It shall be unlawful for a person under 18 years of age to reserve a park facility.
  2. Shelter houses can be reserved and reservations may only be made up to one year in advance. Usage fees are required in advance and are nonrefundable.
  3. Camping facilities cannot be reserved and are available on a first come basis.
  4. The Board has the authority to set and limit capacities and occupancy.


It is unlawful to place any garbage, refuse or litter from any household, business, or outside source on any area or into any refuse container for the purpose of disposal.


  1. FISHING AND BOATING. All fishing and boating on Conservation Board lands and waters must be done in accordance with Iowa DNR regulations and Iowa law.
  2. UNATTENDED BOATS NOT PERMITTED. It shall be unlawful to leave unattended any watercraft on or attached to any area for more than twelve consecutive hours. Unattended watercraft may be removed and stored at the expense of the owner.
  3. BAITFISH. The use of minnows as baitfish is strictly prohibited on any lake or pond managed by the Board.
  4. BOATING RESTRICTIONS. Wind surfers, inner tubes or floatation devices, surfboards, and the use of gas engines are prohibited on waters controlled by the Board. All watercraft must be Coast Guard approved. A Coast Guard approved floatation device must be present for each occupant. Anglers may use a multi-chambered inflatable float tube while actively involved in fishing.


  1. The Board may from time-to-time close or regulate the use of areas or parts of areas for the protection of humans, plants, animals, or natural or man-made features. No person shall use, enter or occupy any restricted area or facility in violation or disregard of any official sign, gate or barricade.
  2. Campsites or parking areas marked with the international symbol of accessibility shall be used only by persons or groups containing persons qualifying for and displaying a handicap identification device on their vehicle.
  3. No person shall post, fasten or affix any notice or sign within any area without written permission to do so. Freestanding temporary directional signs are permitted with a valid facility rental and must be removed.


  1. It is unlawful to possess or consume any alcohol in the Foster Center (County Conservation Headquarters).
  2. No person or group shall bring, use, or have in his/her possession on any area, beer or wine in a keg or any other container larger than one gallon without first obtaining a special use permit from the Board. (Additional fees or deposits may apply).


No person shall use threatening, abusive, insulting, profane or indecent language, nor be guilty of conduct or display of anything that is abusive, insulting, obscene or guilty of any act that constitutes a breach of peace, in any county park or preserve.


All areas shall be closed to the public between the hours of 10:30 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. unless otherwise specified. The provisions of this Section shall not apply to registered campers in designated camping areas or fishermen.


  1. Metal detecting is permitted only during park open hours.
  2. Any personal items or artifacts must be turned in to Conservation officials.

SECTION 25. GEOCACHING Geo-caching is allowed on Board property with the submittal of Special Event Permit and approval of the Director or Park Ranger. Unregistered geo-caches may be removed. Digging soil or other forms of disturbance to conceal a geo-cache is prohibited.


No person will be allowed to scavenge through any park waste or recycling containers to search for any items, including cans.


Nothing in these rules and regulations shall prohibit or hinder the Board, or duly authorized representatives,  or any other peace officers from performing their official duties. The Poweshiek County Conservation Board in the provisions of services and facilities to the public does not discriminate against anyone on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, or handicap.


Any person violating any of the provisions of the Poweshiek County Conservation Board’s Rules and Regulations is guilty of a simple misdemeanor.


The above Rules and Regulations were adopted by the Poweshiek County Conservation Board on February 6, 2018.  The Rules and Regulations become effective 10 days after publication pursuant to Iowa Code Section 331.305, and upon posting near each gate or principal entrance to the public ground to which they apply. 

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