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Local Emergency Planning Committee

Poweshiek County's Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC) develops an emergency plan that is reviewed at least once a year.

The mission of the LEPC is to protect the citizens in Poweshiek County by identifying incidents or events that present a threat to the health, safety, and well being of people, and to coordinate the planning and preparation efforts of the local response - community and private sector.

Local Emergency Planning Committees (LEPC’s) were established by the Federal Emergency Planning and Community Right-To-Know Act, as Title III of the Superfund Amendments & Reauthorization Act of 1986.

Originally, the LEPC was designed to provide a forum for emergency management agencies, responders, industry and the public to work together to evaluate, understand and communicate chemical hazards in the community and develop appropriate emergency plans in case of accidental release of these chemicals. Other key responsibilities include:

  • assisting local governments in developing hazardous materials emergency response plans
  • evaluating the community’s need for resources to respond to hazardous materials emergencies
  • processing requests from the public for information on hazardous chemicals in their communities

Local industries must provide information to the State and LEPC’s about chemical hazards. LEPC’s are required by law to make this information available to any citizen who requests it.

Each LEPC must include, at a minimum, representatives from the following groups or organizations:

  • elected state and local officials
  • law enforcement, civil defense, firefighting, first aid, health, emergency medical services, local environmental, hospital, and transportation personnel
  • broadcast and print media
  • community groups
  • industry – owners and operators of facilities subject to the reporting requirements of EPCRA

Because the LEPC’s members represent the community, they should be familiar with factors that affect public safety, the environment, and the economy of the community. That expertise is essential as the LEPC develops a plan tailored to the needs of Poweshiek County.

You can make a difference by attending an LEPC meeting or by joining your LEPC.

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