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Who do I ask if I have any zoning questions?

  • Within city limits - call local city office
  • Outside city limits - call Poweshiek County Zoning at 641-623-3762

What is the procedure if I purchase land to build a home?


Upon application completed (from Zoning Office), you must have a meeting with the Zoning Commission, which is held the 3rd Tuesday of month. At this time they will make a motion for recommend approval / disapproval to the Board of Supervisors. The Board of Supervisors makes the final discussion to approve / disapprove. Upon approval you will need to buy a building permit., The rule of thumb (at this time) no good quality farmland to be used for anything but agriculture.


Do I need a permit for a shed with skids?


A permit is not required, however if you attach the shed to a permanent foundation a permit is required.


What are minimum acres I need to buy to build?


2 acres net


Do I have to rezone if I want to build a house in the country?


Yes, land needs to be rezoned from agricultural to residential. The Zoning office has applications; you must have a meeting with the Zoning Commission and Board of Supervisors as above.


How close can I build to property line?

  • Building at Ponderosa & Holiday lakes – 4 feet at Ponderosa & 5 feet at Holiday + read Lake By-Laws)
  • Building in country – 15 feet from property side yard line + 50 feet from front & 40 feet from back of yard

What if I need to build closer to property line?


A meeting is needed with Board of Adjustments (applications in zoning office) - zoning department will schedule a meeting date.


Do I need any permits if I want to start a Business in the country?


Most generally yes, there are home operations that are permitted further information contact Zoning administrator.


What is the base flood elevation of Lake Ponderosa?

  • 859.9 feet above sea level.
  • Any new construction below 866.6 feet above sea level (height of the dam), will need a DNR floodplain development permit.  For more information visit the Iowa DNR website.