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Auditor Duties
The Poweshiek County Auditor's duties include financial accounting, elections, real estate, and more.
Clerk to the Board of Supervisors
- Schedules and posts Board of Supervisors agendas. Records and preserves Board minutes and publishes proceedings in official newspapers.
- The Auditor is the Custodian of the Courthouse under the direction of the Board of Supervisors.
- Responsible for official documents, Resolutions, contracts, leases, and ordinances.
Financial Accounting
- Compile, calculate and monitor the County operating budget
- Prepare annual financial report
- Record all financial claims against the County and issue checks for all claims allowed by the Board of Supervisors
- Prepare County payroll and issue payroll checks to all employees
- Serve as Trust Officer of the County Self Funded Health Insurance Plan
- Registers voters and maintains all voter registration records
- Prepares and supervises the printing a ballots
- Issues absentee ballots
- Trains election workers
- Conducts elections – Primary, general, city, school and special
- Prepare canvass and certificates of election
Real Estate
- Maintain official county plat books showing owners of all lands and town lots in Poweshiek County.
- Enter all real estate deeds in plat and transfer books after being recorded. Record and file change of title estates.
- Compute tax levies, prepare tax list, and certify same to the County Treasurer for collection.
- Prepare real estate valuation reports for other taxing entities budget preparation
- Administer tax incremental financing districts
- Secretary for the Civil Service Commission
- Issue Cigarette licenses to all applicants outside the City limits, with Board of Supervisors approval
- Sell plat books