Sunny · 70°
Property Tax
No appointment is necessary to pay property taxes.
Property Tax services are open Monday - Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
- Staff is available through the lunch hour.
- Phone: 641-623-5128
- Fax: 641-623-2875
- Email:
Paying Taxes Online
Pay your property taxes online with an eCheck for only .30 cents (which is less than a postage stamp) or you can pay with a debit or credit card. Debit cards incur an administration fee of $0.30 plus a convenience fee of $3.25. Credit cards incur an administration fee of $0.30 plus a convenience fee of 2.20%.
Due Dates
- Property taxes may be paid in full in September each year or split into two installments:
- The first half is due September 1 and becomes delinquent October 1;
- The second half is due March 1 of the following year and becomes delinquent April 1;
Delinquent interest accrues at the rate of 1.5% per month, rounded to the nearest dollar with a minimum penalty due of one dollar.
Payment Methods
- In office with cash, check or debit/credit card (cards incur an additional fee, noted above.)
- Mail (must be postmarked by the end of the month to avoid 1.5% penalty)
Accepted Credit Cards
- American Express
- Discover
- MasterCard
- Visa
Notice of Delinquent Taxes
The law requires:
- A notice be sent to property owners who have outstanding taxes as of November 1 and May 1.
- A notice of the annual tax sale shall be mailed not later than May 1 to the person in whose name the parcel subject to sale is taxed
- Payments for redemption from tax sales must be paid by guaranteed funds. The rate of interest required by Iowa law to be paid on a redemption is 2% per month.
Delinquent taxes as of May 1 are assessed a publication fee and must be advertised for sale at the annual tax sale in June.